2020 predictions from the top: It’s time to bring in the channel

19th December 2019

Dave Polton
VP Solutions

In 2019 almost all – 93% – of organizations are engaged in, or planning to begin a digital transformation initiative. This appetite for digital transformation spans all industries and sectors. Even in the most cautious of sectors, government and healthcare, there is still a strong majority reporting a move towards digital transformation (67% and 86%, respectively).

Interestingly though, only 6% of organizations have completed their digital transformation and this is consistent with the disappointment we’re hearing around digital transformation projects. Expectations are potentially not being met because projects aren’t concluding.

But why aren’t they completing?

Arguably, digital transformation is a long game and needs time to fully embed throughout a business, also though, security is potentially a problem.  Where our respondents reported a cyber attack within the past 12 months, they were half as less likely to be implementing their transformation strategies as those that have avoided security incidents (22% vs. 42%).

Consequently, in 2020 I expect to see a number of small but significant step changes in the way businesses approach digitalization projects. The focus will be on improving user experience and generating value from smaller more tangible projects. For cyber security, this will mean solutions that make day-to-day operations easier and that are proven to mitigate the impact of security incidents.

The channel will be pivotal in this transition. Able to bring together solutions which can individually represent marginal gains for the business but collectively have a significant impact on both the bottom line and risk mitigation. Partners will be leading this shift from big, arguably unachievable projects to smaller, results driven projects to deliver digital transformation.

So, what should be your New Year’s resolution? Compartmentalize your digital transformation and bring on a channel partner to generate real value for the business.

Find out more about our Partner Program, Velocity, here.